Halifax Love

Head lights glow through the back window,
illuminating the interior of the car,
lighting up the seats and reflecting off of the rear view mirror.

How it was driving with you,
how it was sitting with you,
inside such a small space.

Playful conversations,
Laughter over taking the quite radio voices.
Genuine laughter, smiling teeth, and sparkling eyes.

Checking the mirrors,
looking out the windows,
pulling off the road onto leaves,
as our light illuminates the fallen foliage.

Knitted toques,
fuzzy mittens,
your leather jacket.
I lean in,
you cup the nape of my neck
with your warm hand.

Gentle and slowly,
Slow. Warmth.
Small breath,
A little sigh,
as I open the door
into the wind and whirling leaves.

Good bye, love.
For now...

6 comentarios:

Keyla dijo...

The words and images fully complement each other beautifully. It all feels warm and cold at the same time; calm and exciting at the same time.
I can't stop staring and admiring the pictures, though I suspect it's because I tend to like the colours and tones in them, which are so vividly present.

Anónimo dijo...

things that make me happy: "sh-ayl's" contribution and keyla commenting!

Isabel Batteria dijo...

I love it!

Chayle dijo...

can we make the assumption that anything any one of us posts, is original to us, and we don't need to put a credit under the photos? i just feel that it takes away from the flow of the words.

i hope that didn't come out wrong.

Axel Alfaro dijo...


Iva dijo...

this poem brought me back to a place i'd forgotten. thank you.